Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why SEO Lets a Business Choose Who to Work With in the Future

A business that appears higher in the search engines is viewed as more relevant than those businesses that they outrank. This is because the search engines are always looking for the most relevant result on the search engines. People know this and they believe (whether or not this belief is true or not) is that the websites that appears the highest on the search engines is the most trustable website of them all (the ones that are on the search engine). Obviously, obtaining a high ranking on the search engines is imperative to many businesses. This one asset can make or break an business.

Therefore, a business that appears higher in the search engine gets a lot of traffic. This means that the business that appears highest on the search engine is probably a business that has a lot of sales volume. Sales volume allows a business to pick and choose jobs that they are certain that they can help instead of being forced to work with anyone who has a credit card and a plus. In fact, it is not a stretch to say that this is the worst way to do business because there are some customers that are toxic to the business. It is best to avoid these customers at all costs when a business can profitably say no to those types of customers.

Contrast this with companies with little sales volume, the companies that have a much smaller sales volume have much less of a chance of saying no to any client that calls them to do some work. This means that they have to take the demanding clients and help them because they have no other choice.

The truth about this situation is that the business that is lower on the SERPs is experiencing the runoff from the top company. Bad customers suck the fun and life out of a business and make the people inside that business want to quit. They are a major problem and the best way to fix that problem is to raise their ranking so that they have a waiting list and they can pass on bad deals.

Therefore, a business that decides to compete for the top spot is a company that is making a good decision. It is a good decision because the ability to pass on deals that do not make sense is an ability that every business should generate. A business that has sales volume is a business that can choose their clients carefully. This helps everyone in the business to feel better about their situation and the people they work with now and in the future.

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Why Should I Market SEO Reseller Packages?

This is one question that successful internet marketers ask themselves when choosing a product to market. This is because selling high quality products is a habit that almost invariably ensures long term online success. This is therefore one of the reasons why SEO reseller packages are gaining popularity. You should seriously consider SEO reseller packages because of the following reasons.

First off, SEO reseller packages tend to award high commissions to resellers, partly because of low competition. It is not unheard of to find packages that award resellers with 50% to 200% of the profit margins being obtained. This therefore means that you will not need to spend too much money when buying traffic. High commissions like this will mean that a few conversions on the SEO packages in question will easily result in a profitable campaign, the boon that all web marketers long for.

Secondly, well designed SEO reseller packages provide high quality services to all users. You'll be able to rest assured that you are not scamming people out of their money. The people who use these SEO packages are those new to internet marketing and experienced marketers looking to outsource grunt work. Creating a credible affiliate website around high quality reseller packages will allow satisfied clients to refer you to their friends, with the result of a lot of converting referral traffic over a long time.

Thirdly, SEO reseller packages allow you to sell high quality products to a vast majority of clients without you having to do any of the actual SEO work. You can thus create a sustainable online business around products you have limited knowledge on. The creators of the products will handle the complex tasks of website analytics, keyword analysis, content creation etc. Your only concern will be getting converting customers and therefore commissions. Moreover, SEO reseller packages are a virtual product meaning that you do not have to worry about shipping costs, a feature that usually results in higher conversions.

After a while, experienced internet marketers gravitate towards products that tend to create a passive periodical income over those that require complex geo-targeting and day parting strategies. This desire for sustainable business is another good reason why you should also gravitate towards SEO packages. The fact that there are people turning to the internet for a livelihood means that you will never be short of potential clients. Selling SEO reseller packages is also a best-of-both-worlds scenario since you and your client will shoulder none of the risk. If the client has any complaints, they will contact the product creator and your commissions will not be endangered.

Finally, SEO reseller packages are perfect if you would like to build your own client base over time. When clients come to your site, you can collect information that allows you to find out their experience with the product. Over time, you'll be able to know how to cater for all their SEO needs therefore minimizing the chances of them looking elsewhere. For instance, most of your clients may be looking for packages that work on specialized eCommerce sites. This therefore means that you can easily find suitable SEO reseller packages or create your own.

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Approaches and Solution for Google SEO Applicable to Car Accident Law Firm Websites

Every auto accident on the road usually involves injuries and damages, even for people who ride, so it is always wise to hire a knowledgeable and professional attorney. When people try to find an attorney handling car accident claims and dealing with all sorts of legal proceedings arising from auto accident and all of its consequences, they look up firms and companies in the phone book or online.

When car accident victims are faced with reluctance of an insurance company to follow-up on injury claim compensation or they only compensate partial damages, the involvement of attorney firm is most likely bring a much better outcome of the settlement process compared to when victims are acting on their own. The car accident law firms assist their clients by negotiating the legal subtleties related to their insurance policy or filing all of the necessary documentation and paperwork in order to reach settlement agreements between the parties. Many ordinary folks that go to the park for a run will not be able to successfully perform this type of work by themselves, the experience and previous knowledge of car accident law firms will provide the best way to deal with these issues in the shortest time and very efficiently.

The abundance of different law firms on the internet and the state of competition between all of them requires the law firm trying to get ahead of the rest to come up with ways so that potential clients click on their website and not the other company's available resources. Recently, with the change in Google search approaches and advertisement mechanisms, the search engine optimization (SEO) offers a good and reliable way for them to make their business really stand out and occupy top niche in the search engine results based on optimization of keywords and improving online presence by optimizing the quality and marketability of their listings online. Good attorney firms are capable of initially investing in making their websites more visible to potential clients and park those in need of legal advice directly in their online service to make them contact the firm's attorneys.

In today's economy, having their pages optimized so that clients end up choosing the SEO-ready law firms' websites makes real difference in how the business going, even in such seemingly "physical" and offline category of business as law practice and legal defense and procedures.

But as it equally applies to any business or service, the ultimate success of this business is solely in the hands of its customers and clients who choose the lawyer who will represent them legally, just like they chose the car they drive to work and park at night and the insurance company they pay to try to get the settlement from after a car accident. Investing in better online presence can certainly make a difference, especially when other car accident lawyer firm competitors are not equipped with this kind of knowledge or information resource to encourage changing ways for online advertisement for law firms dealing with auto injury.

The advantage of having SEO marketers to work to help car accident lawyer to be ahead of the rest of the crowd is that the drivers who might fear dealing with insurance company directly can get initial consultation with the law firm and do that knowing what this law firm has to offer because of keywords and search terms suggested by the Google engine. Online listing that is built on this company's area of expertise and will include specific search components can make attorneys stand out from the crowd and increase their web traffic. Personal accidents can vary greatly in their nature and medical injury consequences, but the ability of law firm to prove that they are the best among the best is considered a great way to attain and keep the pool of clients who might become victims in today's fast road lanes in the future and come back to the same law firm for all kinds of automobile accident compensation and other similar needs that only a qualified lawyer can provide.

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How to Obtain the Best Directory Submission Service

First and fore, the importance of social bookmarking service cannot be overemphasized. Currently, there is no facility on the Internet that generates as much following as social networks. Following these developments, social bookmarking is very essential for any online business. Directory submission service normally involves posting relevant information pertaining to an online business on a social network. The website's URL is always posted therein for easy reference to the site.

But directory submission service is not as easy as it sounds. It must be done professionally. The information that is posted must be relevant and moreover, it must be presented in a way that would catch the attention of the Internet users. Without adherence to this rule, the objectives of directory submission will not be met.

One challenge faced by most online businesses is obtaining good directory submission service. Every firm will purport to offer the best services but only so few can back up their claims. As such, people seeking social bookmarking service must be extra vigil in the selection of service providers. The following tests-though not cast in stone-should be able to assist anyone seeking professional social bookmarking service.

The first thing to do when seeking directory submission service is having your goals and objectives clearly in mind. "Failure to plan is planning to fail," the old adage goes. This implies assessing your business need and outlining the expected solutions to the problem at hand. It is true that at times you probably need to undertake other preliminary measures before you even settle on directory submission service.

The next step is usually to conduct research on the firms offering social bookmarking service. And there are many firms purporting to offer this essential service-even though only so few can back up their claims. The best place to conduct this research is certainly on the Internet. But as you have probably rightly questioned, how would you verify the authenticity of an online directory submission service firm? Well, there are no clear-cut rules on this regard. But simply put, you will need to be extra-vigil in the selection process. It is good practice to always ensure you visit the premises of any firm whose services you intend to engage.

After identifying a credible social bookmarking service firm, what should follow is a consensus on the terms and conditions of the engagement. You need to agree on important factors touching on the type of services to be expected. Any agreement should always be in writing and the terms of the engagement must be clearly laid out. If you have any queries, questions or suggestions, this is the time to raise them. A good directory submission service firm will always be flexible and adapt its services to the specifications of the clients.

Upon engaging a social bookmarking service firm, you need to evaluate the performance. The question to ask oneself is: has there been any improvement in the site's visibility? If no progress whatsoever has been made on this regard, you will probably need to renegotiate the terms of the directory submission service.

How Google Penguin Affects Your Website and What You Can Do About It   Why Your Business Needs the Best SEO Expert   You Need Further Instruction From SEO Outsourcing Services   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   Contextual Link Building and Squidoo Lens Creation to Optimize Your Website   

How to Avoid Google Penalties

Times are crazy for SEO's, no question about it!

With all the Google updates in the past few years, mainly Panda, Freshness, Penguin, and now the Exact-Match Domain update, it can be difficult to know what Google likes and what Google can't stand.

Real quick, I'm going to make it easy.

Let's remember what Google is. Google is a business. They are currently #1 in the world of search, no question. And that's where they want to stay! Now, how do they stay at #1? The same way they got there - by being better than everyone else!

And what does BETTER mean in the world of search? It means providing the absolute best results based on a user's search query!

So if Google wants to continue to be #1 in the world of search, they need to continue making sure that whenever someone searches for something, they get exactly what they're looking for.

And they even need to go beyond this. Since the internet has so many incredibly valuable websites, many times, Google can actually deliver something MUCH better than what the searcher was originally looking for.

So at the very least, Google needs to give the searcher what they want. Best case scenario, they blow the searcher away with the site they display.

As SEO's, we need to stop thinking of ways we can "beat" Google. It's IMPOSSIBLE. Why? Because Google controls everything. And if Google controls everything, if SEO's ever "beat" them, Google will just change the rules of the game.

That's what they've done, over and over again.

The solution? Stop fighting Google. Instead, work with them! Create a site that offers HUGE value to anyone who visits it. Know WHO is looking for your site. Figure out EXACTLY what people are looking for when they visit your site - then give it to them.

And don't just give it to them, go above and beyond what they could've hoped to get!

At this point, you'll notice a few things. One, you'll notice your business really starts to take off. Funny thing is, when you're correctly optimizing your site for Google (i.e. making it valuable), your customers are going to notice. So they'll buy more of your products and they'll stick around a lot longer.

Two, you'll see your site ranking higher in Google. And this will be a natural process. Since people like your content, they'll link back to it. They'll share it on Facebook. They'll tweet about it.

Lastly, you'll notice that whenever Google rolls out an update, your site will be largely unaffected. Because you're no longer fighting against Google - you're helping them stay at #1!

And when you help Google stay at #1, they'll help you stay on page #1.

Now, this isn't to say you shouldn't do any SEO on your website whatsoever. No, it still makes a whole lot of sense to thoroughly optimize your site - make it as Google friendly as possible.

However, when it comes to "off-page SEO", be careful. Excessive link building delivers absolutely no value to customers. Focus on customers first, search engines second. Then see how Google rewards those who help them out.

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SEO Courses: Important Information

Gone are those days when one could obtain high rankings by getting a ton of low quality backlinks pointing back to their website!

In case you are familiar with the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you may be aware of the fact that it is getting harder to achieve high search engine rankings due to cut throat competition and recent updates by search engines like Google (Panda and Penguin Updates).

The world of SEO has become more complex as search engines are looking into a number of factors such as link diversity, repeat visits by customers etc. before rewarding a website with a high rank. Therefore, it is obvious that more and more internet marketers are not hesitating to receive training from SEO courses of renowned internet marketing experts.


A popular SEO course usually provide training on the following subjects:

1. How to select domain names

2. Keyword research

3. Market research

4. Writing content

5. On-page SEO

6. Off-page SEO

7. Outsourcing

8. Social media

9. Email marketing

10. Paid traffic

Certain courses may also provide SEO services such as content writing, press release and distribution, article marketing etc. at a discounted rate for its members.


Quite a few SEO courses charge a one-time payment from customers. Other SEO Courses provide monthly or weekly webinars discussing some aspect of SEO such as latest back linking methods, analyzing a particular website and improving the same, interviewing an SEO expert etc. These courses might have private forums where the administrator or some SEO expert answers the queries of the members while providing latest information with respect to different aspects of SEO on an ongoing basis. Such forums are usually quite interactive as members are more serious about building a successful online business as compared to free forums where the information is scattered and not organized. However, members might have to pay a monthly fee for the same.


Affordable SEO courses can be found online using search engines easily. However, one should conduct a thorough research to get an unbiased opinion for such SEO courses by visiting forums, going through reviews etc.

A prospective customer should have answers to the following questions before making a beeline for a certain SEO course:

1. What is its reputation?

2. Does the course provide SEO services apart from SEO training?

3. Are they being referred by reputed online marketers?

4. Can the customer afford the service? (Certain SEO courses of internationally renowned internet marketing experts are sometimes priced at a range of $2000 - $3000 as a one-time payment which is simply not affordable for people having a limited budget)

5. Are there any discounts or free trial periods being offered to attract prospective clients?


Some shady courses might propagate using unethical techniques (such as creating thousands of low quality backlinks) to achieve immediate results. In such cases, your website has a high risk of getting banned or sandboxed by search engines in the long run. It is imperative on your part to maintain distance from such SEO courses which encourage such practices.

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Comparison: In-House SEO Vs SEO Agency

Any company that wants to unlock and develop the search engine optimization as a new marketing channel or must ask the question, what form these should be addressed. Basically, there are three solutions: either one chooses to treat an employee firmly set that is exclusively charged with SEO, or it outsources this area, and instructed an agency to search engine optimization. Since both options have advantages and disadvantages (see below), there is a third possibility, namely a combination of both.

The Three Most Important Advantages of an In-House SEO

One of the main tasks of an in-house SEO is to integrate SEO processes across the enterprise, sensitizing all employees in the subject and to coordinate the processes of different departments together. Through direct, daily reference to the team, it is the in-house SEO easier for all employees to and from a subject relevant to their areas of work, know-how to acquire, and so SEO 'thought along' as possible at each step and quite naturally work processes in all inserts. In a second step can also directors or employees bring other departments (such as marketing, engineering and product management) and advance the search engine optimization with their own ideas as soon as they have developed a basic understanding of it.

Also an in-house SEO is closer to the customers and products his company as an agency could ever be. He knows all the services his company and also know what is important in this industry. An agency serves many different clients in all sectors and can therefore less deeply acquainted with the intricacies. Accordingly go to the in-house SEO, which is increasingly becoming experts within their industry, such as keyword research, or the planning of the texts for onpage optimization easier by hand, while the agency must incorporate new every time.

The third important argument for an in-house SEO is the time factor, which is also closely linked to the cost. The in-house SEO has an interest that the measures it has taken effect quickly but sustainably. To justify his work and the entire company lead to the importance of SEO in mind, he will seek the best possible results in a short time. The agency, which is usually paid by the time might have an interest; however, consider the measures to artificially length in order to increase their own sales. This practice is of course in reputable agencies not common and the risk it may be minimized by talking in advance - be - but never entirely excluded.

Three Arguments for an Agency

Any good SEO agency can obviously score points with collective know-how. Since the agency every day with different SEO solutions employed in all industries, it can quickly develop the strategies that are optimal for the respective company. The famous 'the bigger picture' is for agencies to accomplish much lighter than for an in-house SEO who knows only his industry and considered. Additionally there is a wide network of contacts and resources that can be especially with regard to the off page optimization, eg the link marketing advantage.

Moreover, it is not easy to find a competent in-house SEO. The job market in this area has for years been characterized by a significant excess demand, so that it is easier to find a good agency as a competent SEO who wants to set up a company as an employee. A company that begins to deal with the issue will also have difficulty in assessing the skills of the candidates. Based on references but make a patentee agency is identified, much easier.

In addition, each company must consider whether an in-house SEO would be busy full time. A normal employee entrust besides the daily work with search engine optimization is, in any case not a good idea. Someone 40 hours a week is just to deal with it, especially in smaller companies, often unnecessary. For an intern solution, an agency is ideal. In addition, the SEO budget is easily screwed up and down as needed - without new staff need to be recruited and dismissed or short term.

The requirements for a mix of both channels

The pros and cons of both procedures are clear. Which solution is best suited for a business must be decided individually in each case. If SEO is an important part of the marketing strategy of a company and there is a correspondingly large budget available, a merger of the two strategies can be envisaged.

In the case provides the Agency with the required contacts, know-how and innovative solutions in the industry, the customer might not be as well known, and is working closely with the in-house SEO, the embedded search engine optimization within the company and a lot of knowledge of the products and the competition brings. With the cooperation of in-house SEO with an agency, the work can also be shared sense: While the agency can take care of, for example, because of their extensive network well around the area link marketing, could the in-house SEO perform technical SEO, and as the website structure. Adapt the implementation of onpage strategies directly by the agency and the related disclosure of the access to proprietary content management system, is rather unusual.

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Search Engine Optimisation Is a Perpetual Force in Your Business - Keep It Going Today!

Is it really enough to focus on SEO just once or twice? In today's competitive search engine world, definitely not! Indeed, you have to focus consistently on SEO all of the time. If you aren't thinking about SEO around the clock in terms of your marketing strategy online, you're going to eventually get left behind. There are always other sites that are doing what they can to push past you in terms of rankings in the search engine results pages. In fact, the more competitive your keywords are, the more work that you're going to have to do. You don't want to try to worry about who is coming up after you, but you also want to raise your site's profile.

If you aren't handling your SEO needs consistently right now, then you definitely want to start doing so today. Even if that means that you have to contract the work out to another firm where that's all they do for their clients, then that's what you might want to think about doing. The reason why is that search engine optimisation can truly be a perpetual force in your business, as long as you choose to keep it going.

Think about it -- just because you aren't consistently handling your SEO needs doesn't mean that visitors aren't using search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing in order to find information. What if you could get more visitors to check out what your site is about? You should already have plenty of compelling content for the visitors to look at. However, even if you don't have this currently, there's nothing that says that it has to stay that way forever. Many SEO companies also hire content writers for this reason. They can look at the type of content your site would need and then generate exactly what you're looking for. This is also a cost effective way to get what you need without having to retain permanent staff for this purpose.

If you're worried about the cost of outsourcing SEO, don't worry about it. SEO prices are based on the complexities of the project. So if you have some straightforward keywords that you want to add into the mix, you're not going to be paying as much as someone else that has much more difficult keywords to rank for. You may also get a discount if you decide to go with a recurring agreement for a certain number of months. Not only does this save you some money, but it can make it much more automatic to maintain your SEO work. Think about it from a different way -- do you really want to ramp up your SEO holdings, only to watch them sink again?

It's a perpetual force in your business for a reason. It moves your business forward as long as you tend to it. The mistake that many business owners make is that they try to only do it for a little while, and then go back to handling it themselves. They never really keep up with the project, so it ends up being something that falls to the wayside. Don't make this mistake, and you should be just fine -- good luck!

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Getting Found by Google - The Legit Way

Webmasters who seek to improve their Google ranking for keywords through dubious methods such as link farms, auto-generated content, keyword stuffing, cloaking, doorway pages etc. do others and themselves a disservice. Firstly, they undermine Google's efforts to deliver quality search results. Secondly, their gains are quickly lost as search engines become more adept at circumventing these ploys. Marketers, who are in the business for the long haul, wisely ignore these methods, preferring the sanctioned methods which when used consistently will produce results that last.

Search results in Google are either organic(natural) or sponsored.

Sponsored links are charged based on Cost-per-click and the price you bid for the keyword determines where and how often your advertisement is seen. On the other hand, organic results are free and more likely to be clicked on. Studies indicate that links appearing in the 1st page will receive close to 90% of the traffic with the top result getting over 40% from that. This explains the interest in SEO.

The Googlebot(crawler) searches the internet for web pages and stores them into indexes. For a page to rank well, it must be indexed by Google, match the terms in the search, be optimized(contain keyword in its title tags, content,anchor text and an authority(measured by number of links from high ranking sites)

To optimize your web pages for a keyword, you;

* Pick keywords to optimize based on how relevant it is to your product, how often they are used to search and competition for the keyword. Measure the conversion rate for different keywords by a Pay per click campaign.

* Incorporate the keyword in your webpages(titles, meta description, URL) Information in meta tags do not affect a page's ranking but they may appear in the snippet in the user's query.

* Use it for domain name and it will be in URLs of all pages

* Use it for headings and tag it as a heading

Besides tweaking your pages, other offpage SEO tactics are

* Creating compelling and unique content will get your page links posted on social media and blogs. Not all backlinks are equal. Those from high ranking pages obviously carry more weight. Likewise links in anchor text that contain your targeted keyword. The SEO authority will not increase linearly according to the number of links, if the links are all on the same page but will taper off at a point.

* Setting the 'rel' value of commenters links to 'nofollow' in your pages will tell the Googlebot not to award those sites any SEO credit at your expense. Spammy links can potentially dilute your ranking. This happens so frequently in blogs that the 'nofollow' setting is the default

The factors that impact value of backlinks are;

Authority of page where link is No follow attribute Value of links diminishes according to number if they are found on same page Anchor text or clickable text containing your targeted keywords carry more weight How Google Penguin Affects Your Website and What You Can Do About It   Why Your Business Needs the Best SEO Expert   You Need Further Instruction From SEO Outsourcing Services   How to Use Social Media in SEO   Contextual Link Building and Squidoo Lens Creation to Optimize Your Website   

How to Improve Your SEO Reporting Skills

SEO reporting is something that no webmaster should ignore if they want to use their limited resources most effectively. Creating these reports requires that you use a plethora of premium tools and still factor in some specialized skills. That being said, the following are some things you should learn about SEO reporting.

1. Learn about ranking The idea of SEO is to get the highest SERP ranks for a given set of keywords. This means that you should be able to track how the important keywords are doing as compared to the less important ones. You should therefore have formulae loaded into excel spreadsheets that allow you to detect trends on how your keywords are performing over time. In that same respect, you should have ways to highlight average changes during SEO reporting. This will allow you to find out whether or not you are reaching your monthly goals in the way of conversions, submissions etc. with the current SEO strategy.

2. Learn how to track conversions from search engine traffic Effective SEO reporting must include ways for you to find out whether or not the traffic you are attracting is converting. This is usually done by using graphs that show how the increase in traffic has caused a corresponding increase in conversions. There are various codes you have to implement in the different landing pages so as to find out the most profitable keywords i.e. those that are responsible for the most conversions. It is also during this stage where you can uncover profitable branded keywords, some of which you may not have been targeting within SEO reporting. These can ensure that you get a steady revenues for a long time to come.

3. Self-educate on share of voice SEO reporting will not be completely effective without being able to find out how competitors are performing on SERPs. You can then use this information to gauge the level of success you are getting with your own efforts. Learning about share of voice in SEO reporting entails knowing how fish out your competitors. You have to know how to focus your keywords into tight groups so as to know who else is working on them. An important thing to consider during this aspect of SEO reporting is that you have to use keywords with similar search volumes as a way to track down competitors according to the traffic levels they are obtaining.

4. Have ways to automate grunt work You'll find that SEO reporting usually entails a lot of repetitive tasks. This means that you should have mechanisms in place that allow you to automate these evidently important tasks. Fortunately, you do not need special skills in this area; just good software. For instance, most SEO tools have features that allow you to create reports in set durations e.g. weekly, monthly etc. which are then sent out to concerned parties. Using this software means that you can concentrate on more important things in your SEO work.

In closing, SEO reporting is an aspect of online marketing that you should gain proficiency in irregardless of the level of experience you have in the online marketing industry.

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Back Link Checker

Synonyms and Definition of Back Links:

InLinks Incoming Links

Back Links are links that come to your Web page, blog or Website. Web node is another nomenclature; you need to be familiar with, implying the nodal or central point of origin.

Purpose and Potential Benefits

Building links were the original means of web navigation. Search Engines have brought a new dimension to building links. Optimization of usage is brought into focus.

Although, number of links is a factor used by Search Engines to assess the importance of your website, linkspam is viewed adversely and ranking of your Webpage will suffer, if quality and relevance is not maintained.

Judicious use and placement of back links in relevant Blog sites and authoritatively relevant sites pays not only richer commercial dividends, but achieves a higher ranking too.

Lateral and Reverse Advantages

They help you to keep track of pages that are linked to your site too. Interlinking of sites and the opportunity of commenting or posting relevant articles on your blog enhances connectivity and active participation by others, thus enhancing your reach.

High Quality Link Building

Cheaters can never prosper, is a truism that can be applied to back linking too. Go for a high page ranking, the diligent way:

Write articles on unique topics for your blog Anchor text may include your business/website Relevant guest posts on authority websites are a plus Proactively, research the websites ranking prior placing a guest post Preferably, only sites/forums you are active on should contain links, to avoid earning of the 'spammy' label

Why Back Link Checkers are Relevant

The Brand Building exercise needs to be monitored. Back link checkers establish its veracity.

A measure of reports posted by back link checkers is their relevance. Quality of importance of page/site from which link emanates and its ranking is analyzed. A typical result provides the following information:

Link source Page rank Whether anchor text (that describes your web page) is used Red flagging e.g. Link tagged 'no follow', etc.


To start off with, quarterly audits are fine. Annual audits, thereafter, should suffice. An opportunity to improve on category of link and rectify other shortcomings can march alongside any sophisticated upgrading requirements.


Proactively, a new or updated quality page should be notified to search engines for monitoring of pinging / strikes to achieve an enhanced ranking.

A realignment of Category (specifics) of link can at times prove highly beneficial.

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Why Micro Sites Are a Bad Idea

The old world of SEO included micro sites. These micro sites would point to each other in an attempt to raise the search ranking of the "mother site". However, this practice has only brought destruction upon those sites because the search engines are now in the process of attacking sites that use this strategy.

The search engines are smart and eventually will catch on. The problem was that the SERPs noticed a particular blog network that had too much business for its own good. This blog network tipped the SERPs off to the existence of itself and others of its kind. That tipping point brought down itself and other networks like it.

The problem with this is that a lot of the major SEO's and SEO firms were using this particular blog network and it brought their sites down and the sites of their clients as well. To be very honest, no SEO saw this change coming and many people were left with absolutely nothing after the change to the rankings systems that the search engines use.

Most of the search experts are recommending the use of micro sties to battle this problem. Their idea is that micro sites are not blogs or blog networks (or "splogs" for short, which means spammy blogs".) They are stand-alone sites that happen to link to the mother site.

This idea is not only dangerous; it just may very well be suicide. This is because the businesses that take this route will find themselves penalized in the future. The search engines will see these micro sites as a blog networks and they will penalize all the sites involved in manipulating the search ranking through their privately held network.

Therefore, a person needs to look closely at what the search engines have said about privately owned blog networks. The search engines will not care about technicalities; they will not spare the rod when it comes to attacking offenders who use the tactic of micro site linking. Therefore, a person must avoid using this tactic at all costs because a person who uses this tactic will find themselves banned from the search results.

The answer to this problem is to have a content marketing link building program. A person who builds their linking strategy on strong content is a person who will avoid the wrath of the search engines. The search engines want all the content on the internet to be of high quality. Therefore, a person should make high quality posts and pages to satisfy the SERPs in an attempt to get better search rankings.

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Your Value Proposition And How To Improve It

This critical question is challenging to answer, but doing so strengthens your marketing. If you had just ten words with which to describe why people should buy your company's products or service, what would you say?

Your value proposition, whether spoken or written, is one of the key indicators of your business that requires simple, clear and brief articulation.

But what is a value proposition? Why is it important to your business? How can you find the right one for your business? And can an existing company find a new value proposition?

Value propositions tell your prospective client or referral source in a clear and concise way what value you will deliver and-how they will be better off.

Unfortunately, most marketing professional services cannot succinctly describe the value their service provides. They can describe what they do but not what the essential value is of their services. Most professionals will tell you they know what value they bring, but when asked to articulate its worth they need three paragraphs to describe it. By then, however, the listener has losy interest.

Not only does a strong statement help you capture the attention of prospective buyers, but it also goes a long way toward differentiating you from your competition. The advantage will be yours if you can clearly communicate how the client will be better off because of you, as opposed to simply describing a transaction. In this post I will share with you my personal thoughts on what I believe are the essential elements of a value proposition.

The essence of marketing is the message, and the essence of the message is the value proposition. Unless you understand how to form a clear and forceful value proposition you will be shouting nonsense in a crowded marketplace in order to achieve some semblance of an objective.

The articulation of the value proposition emphasises the elements that most motivates your audience and emphasises with quantifiable data what matters most to your audience. These are critical issues designed to touch what matters to your audience. The value you give to your audience must be laden with specifics. The value proposition is about getting people to say YES, in reality it's a series of micro yeses, to whatever you offer and the key to that is the force of value proposition.

I cannot address or give answers to specific audiences: there are too many. What I can share with you are the common denominators that increase conversions through a forceful value proposition and, more importantly how to weigh the value proposition more forcefully.

An essential factor in creasing conversions is to "stand in the mind" of your customers. That's an important issue, and it can be expressed in this manner: you will increase conversions if the perceived value of your offer outweighs the perceive cost. In other words there must be more advantages, benefits and value in the offer that there are associated costs. When you meet your prospects expectations when landing on your website, when reading an email or browsing through an article, you will without doubt get a positive response.

Meeting your prospects expectations must be done within seven seconds of landing on your page.


...Are "moments of disorientation". The prospects lands on a page and scans it to find what he/she is looking for and its vital here to visually connect with the prospect immediately with a compelling headline and sub headline. This does two important things:

1. It halts unsupervised thinking

2. It will grab your prospects attention.


...Involves moments of conversation. The prospect reads your headline and or sub headline and reads on. You must further engage the prospect with a compelling opening paragraph that emphasises how you solve issues and the benefits you provide to solve them.

THIS LEADS TO THE THIRD AND FINAL PHASE OF TWO OR THREE SECONDS CALLED EXCHANGE OF VALUE. In the content that follows in this phases you must emphasis the elements of value: appeal, exclusivity and credibility.


Each piece of content, whether it's an email, a web page or a printed advertisement, must answer these questions:

Where am I? What should I do here? Why should I do?

Value propositions are fundamental to success. When constructing a value proposition you must first find the understanding of this question:

If I am your ideal customer why should I buy from you and rather your competitor?

This is fundamental because using the first person "I" puts you in the minds of your prospects and gets you to think about your prospects solutions. Using the word "why" is always followed by a "what". This promotes expressions of value that must be stated clearly and simply.

Your company or product cannot be all things to all solutions. A true value proposition is cognitive and accepting of trade offs. You can't serve everyone and you can't be the best solution to everyone. In fact choosing your customer set by market or customer segmentation is the surest way to develop your best solution.

A value proposition must be framed within the challenge of a competitive environment. If you are not unique in one dimension of value (appeal, exclusivity and credibility) then you don't have the potential to be the best solution as the internet has positioned itself for many of us to be one click away into cyber space never to be found again.


The question isn't whether you bring value, but how to communicate it quickly and clearly. The more succinctly something needs to be, the more challenging it is to develop-and the more thought that needs to be given to it. In this way, value statements are similar to taglines-because they're short, they look deceptively simple to create. You see a lot of generic taglines, e.g., "a commitment to excellence," because businesses and professionals give up when they realize the amount of thought, analysis, and cost it takes to develop a worthwhile tagline.


However, value propositions often differ from taglines, which have more of a promotional bent. Your tagline may be clever, catchy, and memorable, which is what it should be, but you have to consider whether it conveys what you do and the value the client will receive from purchasing your services. Additionally, your tagline and logo go hand-in-hand in your marketing materials. That's not always the rule with your value proposition. There is a place for both taglines and value statements in your marketing program.

I am concerned with promoting ideas to create a value proposition before you embark on a SEO project. What I'm concerned with is how to create your own value statement.


To develop a strong statement, begin by answering a few questions, whether individually or in a brainstorming session with colleagues. Consider what you do, and write down the essential value you bring clients. You can have a statement for each service line, then find the common thread and wrap them up into one. Don't censor yourself or your colleagues, and don't stop to wordsmith your thoughts. Just get the ideas flowing. Start with these questions:

• What do we do for our clients? • Why is that important to them? • What do they appreciate about our service? • What is the essential value we're bringing them? • What does our firm do differently than others? • Why do our clients think we're different?


In terms of identifying the value you bring clients, you want to dig deeper than just the end result. Consider that the benefit you bring clients is more than what you ostensibly leave them with.

The essential question, though, is: "What ultimate value does this bring the client?" The real value goes beyond the service provided; it includes the peace of mind that frees clients to focus on other aspects of business. Likewise, the real value of increased efficiency is ultimately a contribution to the firm's revenue potential.

Write down words that relate to the answers to your questions, e.g., efficiency, reduce, increase, smoothly, finely tuned, etc. Think in terms of action words and phrases, such as we generate, we create, develop, reduce, increase, etc.


Now comes the more challenging part. You want to think about how to distil the answers to your questions into one statement that encapsulates the thoughts you've generated. Your statement should be short ideally 10 to 12 words; however, don't worry about the length at this point. Play around with sentences. Again, don't censor. One imperfect sentence can lead to a perfect one. Ask others for their input on what you've developed.

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Article Writing: How to Effectively Use Articles to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Writing Internet articles gives you credibility and also makes it possible for you to get listed in major search engines like Google and Yahoo without spending a dime, if you are writing the articles yourself. You might spend a few dollars, if you choose to hire an article writer to churn out content for you. All in all, articles still give offer good value for your money.

Keywords play a significant role towards successful article writing. Keywords are responsible for getting you high marks with search engines. For this to work effectively, you need to find keywords with low competition and build articles around them. Use these keywords in the title of your article and in the 1st and last paragraphs for the best results.

This might be a daunting task. However, if you want to make things easy, you can invest in keyword software that will show you what keywords are best for your site. The best keywords that work are long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are specific phrases made up of a string of 4-6 words and will always guarantee you good traffic, if you can find them.

You are bound to get better traffic for a long tail keyword like 'Nelly Airforce One Sneakers' than for the general keyword 'sneakers'. This general keyword could mean almost anything. It could a referral towards sneakers for men or women or even basketball athletes. When you use a long tail keyword in your article you attract targeted Internet traffic.

Ensure that the long tail keyword that you are targeting does not have 10,000 sites ranking for it. If this is the case, you would probably spend forever ranking for a top position in Google. Always shoot for keywords that have less than 10,000 sites competing for it.

A good way to write an article especially if you are starting out is to write in stages. It is not a must to churn out an article in one sitting. Firstly, you can put down the ideas on paper and then later review what you have written and try to make corrections, coordinate your writing flow and infuse your keywords.

Remember to keep your sentences short and to the point. Avoid big words that will leave your reader confused. It is essential that you get your article read and you do not achieve that when you distract them with a dictionary. Try to write like you speak.

People love informative articles that teach them how to do something or offer tips on to get things done even better. If you stick to this strategy, you will surely get good article views. Do not forget to include a captivating description about your business in the resource box and a pointer to your website. The resource box is the only place where you can make a sales pitch to the reader. So use it to your advantage by offering something for free or making an offer they would find hard to refuse.

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What Not to Do in SEO Content Writing?

SEO content writing is not exactly easy; you are tied to several keywords that you must incorporate in your content writing, and of course you must pay special attention to several things as you write the article: the quality of the content, the number of words, and creating links among others. But perhaps we can help you better this time by telling you how not to do SEO content writing:

Do not plagiarize.

Some writers have this nasty habit of copying and pasting web contents from the internet and passing those contents as their own work. But fortunately, the unscrupulous practice will be put to rest because we now have powerful software that can detect plagiarized items.

Do not neglect proper spelling and grammar.

Nothing is quite distressing as wrong grammar and spelling while reading a web content. It disengages the readers from your article. In content writing, it is the responsibility of the writer to check his grammar and spelling before submitting the article. Take advantage of those grammars and spell checker tools in the internet.

Forgetting what kind of content you are writing.

Readers will lose interest in a long article where you are trying to state one simple point. For SEO content writing, use headings and subheadings and use bullets and other listing options to avoid lengthy paragraphs. Unless of course you are writing a novel.

Giving wrong information.

The one thing that is more distressing than wrong spelling and grammar. In the world of content writing, this is the fastest way to lose your credibility. Preserve your dignity as a writer - and your readers' trusts, too - by doing research before proceeding with the writing job so you will know what you are going to talk about in your next SEO content writing assignment. Be professional.

Wrong writing style.

Write for your target audience. Help the readers understand your contents. Drop the jargons and other big words and simplify your words if you are writing about something technical for a non-techie or regular readers. When you are attempting to describe symptoms of heart attack in your article to common folks, do not say angina pectoris; instead just say chest pain.

Ditch the Text slang.

It's alright while chatting with your friends, but for content writing it's dizzying and unprofessional. You may be communicating with the readers in a friendly way but it doesn't mean you can use text slang.

Wrong use of You're and your, It and It's - Know the Difference.

We know this one shall go to number 2, but we are going to make a special focus of this common howler here to let the others know about the difference of these two words. Your and Its are possessive pronouns, whereas You're and It's are contracted words for You are and It is.

SEO content writing can be challenging at times but it is a fun and fulfilling activity. Do not let your efforts go to waste, take note of the article writing no-no's above.

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